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The Mars Uranus Conjunction, Monday July 15 2024

Uranus, the god of disruptions and innovations meets with Mars, the god of war, impulsivity and boyhood.  Uranus, an older man with a beard, is wearing a helmet with a horn and his muscles appear to take the shape of armor.  Mars is dressed in the color red, often associated with the planet itself, and wears a toga-like garment.  Mars appears younger than Uranus as though coming into manhood.

Welcome, I’m so happy to have you here and reading this blog.  It’s an eclectic blog.  Eclectic is me - that could be my motto!

I remember in my early 20’s, I had come to take a dance class at a studio called Clark Center.  My best friend, whom I had met on the first day of high school was the admin assistant, although she was so much more.  I was excited about… something.  Was it a new opportunity, a new date, I no longer remember.  

I said, “Wow, there’s so many changes going on in my life!”

She said to me, “Mera, for you that’s the norm, that’s not changes!”

She was so right.  There’s always so much going on in my life.  My chart is full or mutability.  

A little lesson in astrology vocabulary:  


There are 3 modes in astrology: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable.

When you look at your chart, you can determine which mode is dominant.  It will be the one that has the most planets and important angles.

Here’s the chart for Monday, July 15, 2024 at 9:51am ET

Circular astrology chart of July 15, 2024, showing the conjunction of Uranus and Mars.

When you look at your chart, you can determine which mode is dominant.  It will be the one that has the most planets and important angles.

Looking at this chart of the conjunctions of Mars and Uranus (which happens roughly every 2 years since Mars' cycle around the Sun lasts generally 2 year) we can put the planets and angles in a table to see what mode dominates.

The dominant mode is Fixed and next in importance is Mutable.

A note to my readers: I stopped writing this blog probably on Friday, July 12.  I couldn’t decide whether to go farther and wondered if I would finish it up or not.  It seemed to portend negatively.  Here’s why: the fixed star Algol is also located at 26 degrees of Taurus.  Algol is a star associated with gorgons, beheadings and the horrors like the Medusa/Perseus myth which describes a beheading.  Over this past year, going back to the predictions for the year 2024, many astrologers have been talking about this aspect.  (An aspect is a relationship between planets, stars etc.)  In this case Uranus, Mars and Algol are all meeting at that 26 degrees of Taurus.  

When I do charts, horoscopes, I consider myself to be a strength based coaching astrologer.  I’m not looking for malefic influences. Daniel Defoe writing in 1665 in his publication “A Journal of the Plague Year” does not have a good opinion of astrologers calling them “mischievous influence[s].” Yet, this aspect didn’t look good. The aspect has quite a history and astrologer Austin Coppock on several YouTubes including The Astrology Podcast has described events in the past associated with this aspect and concerns about this aspect.  

I’ve been a professional astrologer longer than a licensed clinical social worker and I align with the most important values of social work.  First, to do no harm, and as someone who is trauma informed and trained in trauma response, the last thing I want to do is anything that would create trauma.  Sometimes doing nothing as in not writing about this can be a positive.  

Aspects may be exact at a particular moment, however their influence can often be felt before or even after the exact moment of conjunction (the moment they are at the same degree of the zodiac).  This exact conjunction was slated to arrive on the opening day of the Republican National Convention.  I looked up the agenda for the Convention. 

The Convention is in Milwaukee and that’s an hour behind New York.  A few breakfasts are happening, the Heritage Policy Fest is happening which is about Project 2025 , a policy document that everyone should read for themselves and understand what it means.  My perspective is that just as the Supreme Court with a predominance of justices appointed by Republicans has been the first Court to take away rights for women which have been in place for 50 years.  It has also granted a confusing decree of immunity on the President. This document, Project 2025 takes away freedoms and supports for everyone especially for those who are most vulnerable in our society.  There are many ideas in this document that I do not agree with, yet everyone must decide for themselves.  

The assassination attempt occurred on Saturday, while I was out with my family.  We were having dinner at a terrific vegan restaurant called P.S. Kitchen at 246 W 48th in NYC.  A friend messaged me today asking “Was there any unusual vibration in the universe yesterday.”  

Here’s my response: 

“Astrologically there was the confluence of Uranus, Mars and Algol (a fixed star) at 26 degrees Taurus which is where 45s Mars is located in his natal chart.  Uranus is unexpected often disruptive events; Mars is warlike, impulsive, considered malefic, planetary influence. Algol is associated with the mythological gorgons and the beheading of Medusa.  Mars rules Aries (and Scorpio).  In this instance the fact that it rules Aries is significant because Aries is associated with the head.”

We are here, now, at a remarkable moment in history.  Can our awareness shield us from further harm, or is some other part of destiny at play?  I don’t have the answer.  And, I’ll be watching.