Astrology of December 8, 2021

golden waxing crescent moon

golden waxing crescent moon

We are at the waxing crescent of the Moon.

Today in the Stars:

Here’s a brief encapsulation of the aspects among the planets. Always, let me know if this resonates with you. Sending love and light and support for your understanding.

In the first hour after midnight the Moon was semisquare Vesta and semisquare Pallas Athena.

Pallas Athena is learned, being born from the head of Zeus. The hearth of home and the need for time for one’s own learning and exploration may seem like the block each other. Recognize that and do something anyway that keeps you learning and something that helps the home. Manage with some balance.

6:48 am Moon enters Aquarius. The structure of the day begins.

Moon semisquare Sun at 7:50 am and trine Moon’s North Node. Moon semisquare Sun, somewhat difficult block to the brightness that one might want to spread. Stay in touch with the brightness and let that prevail. Moon Trine North Node Understanding, an inner knowing of our fate. Pay attention to the signs.

11:13am the Moon trines Ceres. Ceres scatters seed and harvests. This morning you will have opportunity to make plans that have a harvest. Later 3:46 the moon semisquares Neptune. The Moon’s blocked energy for Neptune, dream and water. I am still waiting for my dream of taking riverboat cruises in Europe’s rivers. That is my dream of travel. Right now, it’s blocked and I need the right time to envision it happening.

4:26pm Moon semisquare Mercury. It indicates blocked energy. At 4:26 the butternut squash had just gone into the oven. Dave and I sat down to watch the latest episode of Succession. No spoilers but if you consider relationships a kind of network of energies. Relationships have blocked energy in soooo many ways.

Moon sextile Chiron at 8:55pm Apply healing moonlight, emotional and dream energy to the places that are wounded and need healing.

Moon conjunct Saturn at 10:42 pm. If you’re still awake you may have your mind wander to what is your karma, what is your fate.

At 10 :15 am Mercury square Neptune. Be careful how what you think about comes into being. An important role in my work is as a communicator. I need to consider my priorities and clarify what seems to be the best route to move forward on that path.

Uranus quincunx Vesta 4:59p and sextile Pallas Athena at 8:17pm, a sextile in the manner of a Venusian occasion.

sculpture of venus di milo

Venus Di Milo

A Venusian occasion between Vesta and Pallas Athena

Vesta is the virgin goddess. She is often symbolized by the fire in the temple and her cultural twin is Hestia the goddess of hearth. She is daughter of Saturn and Ops. Ops is Goddess of Earth and also sister of Saturn. Ops is Rhea and Ops is Gaia.

The moon is in Capricorn until 6:48 am ET and then enters Aquarius.

Today the moon is ruled by Saturn and as it ingresses into Aquarius there may be the Uranian energy or desire to change structures

3:20p Vesta square Pallas Athena

Competing priorities between the home front and intellectual activities like education or justice/political issues

That’s the day, December 8, 2021. There’s been a lot of opportunities to feel the positive energy of learning and growth. The challenges are opportunities. There are some Venusian aspects, the trines and those are to remind you to hold your esteem high and value yourself.

By Martha Rand on December 9, 2021.

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