Neptune in pisces, retrograde rX

Labor Day weekend, Neptune has been in Pisces since…, where is my ephemeris? Since April 2011. Neptune’s orbit takes 165 years. Where were we 165 years ago? 2021–165= that brings us to 1856.

A few facts:

Astrologically, Neptune rules Pisces, the god of the seas rules the sign of the fishes. Neptune is in his home, his domicile, feeling at ease, like he can kick off his shoes, (or maybe his flip flops, it is the ocean, right?) and chill. Except there is global warming and how is that affecting the ocean? It’s warming the sea. It’s affecting sea life and coral is dying.

Neptune rules infection. That’s easy to believe considering COVID 19 is beating up on humanity. Over the last 10 years we have become alert to viruses jumping species. I’m partial to the poetry in astrology. Pisces is a sign of mystical chaos. In its lower form it is about illusion and even psychopathic delusions.

Yet, I’m getting that literal translation in my life with Neptune in Pisces, which metaphorically is a shipwreck. Shipwrecks have that concerning feeling. Will some one know I’m here? Rescue? Or start some sort of civilization after the chaos? Still unknown because we have a few more years of Neptune in Pisces.

Literally, for me, it’s been about all this water pouring in. September 2021 is late Pisces, Neptune is at 25 degrees. That’s what’s happening for me.

Shipwrecks are a popular literary device for throwing people together and seeing what kind of character they display. Imagine the shipwreck of Lord of the Flies, it’s puerile and very Aries. There are quite a few shipwrecks in Shakespeare, in fact there is the shipwreck trilogy:. The Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night and The Tempest — two romcoms and a tragicomedy (in other words, nobody dies!).

My Neptune Rx in Pisces is about plumbing. Water pouring, inappropriately, that is not through pipes, in the lower part of my house. Although, this morning I became aware of the bathtub on the second floor having a dripping faucet. How many plumbing, water-related issues have I had in the house? Let me count those lakes, streams and pinholes letting water flow. First let’s count the flexible water pipe in the powder room which burst-it’s like the pipe just unwove itself?!? Then of course, Hurricane Ida- the record breaking flooding that in the NYC area broke a record set only the week before. Climate change much? Not too bad for me personally, except for discovering — have you seen the statue from Brussels of the Little Boy peeing? That’s not its name but…

Well it’s as though he were standing in the soil behind my back wall in the basement. The arc of his water spouting through a little piss hole in the wall! This was when my DH (dear husband) and I were trying to figure out whether to hire a company to put in a sump pump or whether DH would put it in himself. Earlier this spring, the washing machine backed up! Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink. Today, the refrigerator is being replaced. We are awaiting delivery. I had to have a fridge before starting work next week. Could not deal with no fridge — OMG. The fridge, beside not keeping everything from freezing, (really, everything in the fridge has frozen.) Dgtr and I have been throwing things out!!!. And, the fridge dumped a waterfall of water the other night into the basement! Water, water, water! Neptune in Pisces Retrograde. Aaagh!!!

Neptune continues in Pisces through March 2025 with a few forays into Aries as the calendar marches on to January 2026 when it settles into Aries for the long term.

With the Retrograde (Rx) Neptune, I’d been wondering about the possibility of more spiritual dimensions,more mystical, than plumbing typically brings to mind. Although, I had a plumber sit down at my booth, Divinations & Bodycraft at the NYRenFaire last weekend. We found the metaphor, plumbing the depths in my client’s personal journey right now. Clearly my experiences have been more materially literal and hers more truly metaphorical.

Finally, the Pisces card in Tarot is the Moon. Neptune’s card is the Hanged Man. Neptune’s Hanged Man has that facial expression of calm and content. It’s as though he’s delusional about being hung upside down. The Moon has animals howling. It’s the Full Moon. Why is this man looking calm when his life may be at stake? This is another set of imagery to reflect on during our times. Historically we are living in a time where it does not serve us to remain calm while climatic things are, well, climactic! If Neptune in Pisces has this end of a dream or nightmare feel, when Neptune swings into Aries there will be more of the stability of the Emperor card energy. Our choices will lay the foundation for what the next empire looks like. An empire is said to last 250 years according to a specialist, the late Sir John Bagot Glubb, who studied the Fate of Empires. 2026–250 = 1776. Changes in empires must make for interesting times so goes the ancient curse from the time of the Chinese empire, May You Live in Interesting Times.

By Martha Rand on September 8, 2021.

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Exported from Medium on March 1, 2023.


Tiger Tarot: the ace of eyes


A Beginners Guide to Astrology