Setting New Moon Intentions and preparing for the Nodal Shift: July 17, 2023

Hi, Mera here

The astrology this week has a new moon in Cancer today.  Set your intentions for this new moon. Moon in Cancer and the Sun is in Cancer.  It’s that conunction between Sun and Moon that makes the new moon.  We’ll have about 2 weeks before the full moon where Sun will be in Leo and Moon in Aquarius.  

In order to set my intentions, I take a look at where Cancer is in my chart.  I look at the house and what planets are present in that house.  Cancer is generally speaking about home and one’s domestic situation. The moon is in domicile in Cancer making it very comfortable.  Perhaps there is some way that you would like to create a space where you relax.  Take a look at the planets in Cancer in your birth chart.  This may give some clues as to how you typically make shifts.  If Mars is there, you might be aggressive or insistent on being the general, the commander.  Notice that implicit tendency and make some decisions about whether that is the way to move forward.  With the nodes shifting, into the Aries/Libra dimension, keep in mind that Aries, where the N.Node is, has dignity in Capricorn.  Mars, the ruler of Aries is exalted in Capricorn.  You may need to take action, however, step one is to figure out, to know what you want the outcome to be.

 Tomorrow the Nodes will change signs.  

The North Node is still jiggling around at 0°♉ (0 degrees Taurus).  It will slide into 29°♈(29 degrees Aries) on Tuesday.  The Nodes go backward, so retrograde is their normal state.  The nodal Axis is now an Aries N.Node and Libra S.Node.  Imagine it as a straight line, and the two ends within the circle of a horoscope are 180° apart.  This linearity has moved into new signs and will stay here for about 18 months.

Where are Aries and Libra in your chart?  If you don’t know your chart, then go to astrodienst and navigate to the free chart.  Not sure of your birth time.  You can simply put in 12:00 pm or 12:00 am whichever you think might be closest.  When asked for your house system, my favorite two, the two I was brought up on, are placidus and whole sign.  Knowing your ascendant tells you what house Aries and Libra will appear.  In order to know your ascendant you need your birth time.

The N.Node will still make aspects with other planets and you can get an idea of how you might interpret the information. Read through below and take what feels right and let the rest go.

The N.Node will still make aspects with other planets and you can get an idea of how you might interpret the information. The following list pairs the opposing houses so that you can look at both the N.Node and the S. Node placements together.

1st house Aries N.Node: Aries N. Node placement.  Aries rules the head, think about the phrase, ‘going head first,’ or ‘rushing headlong.’ This is associated with the Rider Waite Smith (RWS) Fool Card.  You may be ready to jump and fly!  Metaphorically speaking.

7th house Libra S. Node: Libra S. Node. Relationships need to be taken into account.  Place some focus on balance.  Consider that elders, ancestors and your higher goals are messaging you

2nd house N. Node: Competitive, honest, leader in financial arenas.  Valuing property.

8th house S. Node: Consider any costs there might be to ‘winning.’  Will you follow the messages of the elders or pave your own path to wealth that is in alignment with what is important to you?

3rd house N.Node: Jump into something educational.  What have you been itching to learn about?  Try it out.  Education is never wasted.

9th house S. Node: Many choices and possibilities are available to you.  Ask yourself what will you take time with and practice?  

4th house N. Node: Home may be the focus.  Motherhood and parents, generally, may be in the picture.  Consider the help that is offered.

10th house S. Node: Home may be the focus.  Motherhood and parents, generally, may be in the picture.  Consider the help that is offered.

5th  house N. Node: Play.  Be childlike, and enjoy the process of taking chances without placing big bets on the outcomes.

11th house S. Node: You may be needed to take on increased responsibility.  Balance friendships by letting people close to you know what you’re going through.

6th house N.Node: Go at those routines hard.  You will see results.  Lead others to also engage in routines for health.

12th house S. Node:  Gratitude and shifts in your perceptions.  Gifts come and consider them for the hidden messages that seem to come forward.

7th house N. Node:  Relationships of deep commitment are in focus for the next year and a half.

1st House S. Node: “Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread,” a quote from a famous song. Consider these words as new possibilities for relationships appear.

8th House N.Node: Tenacity is important during this 18 month cycle. 

8th House S. Node: Indecision in important matters causes delay and difficulty.  Please learn some decision making skills;  prioritization skills; and, financial management skills.

9th house N. Node: This is a time to explore other cultures.  Find opportunities to travel and live/work with people who hold differences in language, customs and places.

3rd house S. Node: Presented with new challenges, have the confidence in yourself to do things differently.  Yes, you may  need to get out of your ‘comfort zone.’

10th house N. Node: Positive career options and prominence in your vocational area.  May also show you taking on greater responsibility in family.

4th house S. Node: Some stumbling blocks around making home feel homey.  Do things a little at a time and no point in feeling guilty.

11th house N.Node: This is a good time to work in teams or groups to make the world a better place.  Find your tribe.  Pick up some trash and think about what bigger things you can tackle to make the world better.

5th house S. Node: A lot of playing around may indicate some avoidance.  Be careful of gambling on many levels.

12th house N.Node:  Pay attention to those thoughts from left field.  Those thoughts that are floating up.

6th house S. Node:  Routines are great, and so are balance and flexibility.  Yes, you are juggling all of these


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