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7 Facts about Venus in Scorpio

  1. Venus enters Scorpio Dec. 4 , 2023

Today there is beauty in seeing the seasonal deaths. Leaves on the ground give a sense of the season depicting withering and loss.

 I wonder have I appreciated the beauty of flowers and their bright happy colors of summer that are now gone, enough? Did I walk and really see the roses in their bloom.  Our hibiscus which winters in our dining room has had a blossom last week.  This week that blossom has curled up, yellowed and fallen.

2. Venus and her forerunners.  Her ancestral lineage in the ancient world.

Too late now to see the garden flowers. Inanna, Persephone forerunners  in the ancient world, are still relatives, ancestors of Venus.  Their spirits surround us. As Inanna descends into the underworld she discards something at each gate. A crown, jewels, clothing.  It’s all shed. Until she is naked, like a figurative armature.  As the process of re-imagining herself on the ascent she will have the freedom of choice to decide what she will wear, how she will present herself.  t How she will rule, reward loyalty and penalize treason.  That will begin to happen with spring. 

3. Venus is considered to be in detriment in Scorpio.  

A planet is in detriment when it is in the opposite sign from which it rules.  Venus rules Taurus.

Beauty may be hidden or surprise you in some way.  Beauty doesn’t show up in the ways that we typically think of beauty.  It’s the kind of beauty that can hurt you.  Have you ever been in love that way?  It’s secrets in love and secret loves.  It’s frozen water.  Scorpio is a fixed water sign and Venus in Scorpio could be an ice sculpture of a beautiful woman.  It’s the woman in the raw. The sculptor dreams of making the magic of a woman born of his imagination. But the woman, as shown in Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw is no passive lightweight.  She is a strong woman who is in charge of her life path.


4. Magnetic attraction and epic romances are emblematic of Venus in Scorpio

Across a crowded room, like in West Side Story or Romeo and Juliet, eyes lock and passion is born. This is the intensity of Scorpio.  The subconscious picks up on the potential available within the other and unlocks.  Venus was instrumental in the epic romance of the Iliad.  She bribed Paris with the promise of the most beautiful woman in the world.  That woman happened to be Helen, married to Menaleaus and thus began the Trojan War.

5. Venus in Scorpio desires depth in relationships.

Yes, this Venus can make small talk to pass the time, but the preference is to go deep fast.  Sometimes Venus in Scorpio likes to be silent and let the other member of the conversation go really deep.  This opens up the possibility of hearing and holding the secrets of others.  

6. Venus was born of seafoam. 

 The seafoam was the semen expelled by Cronus when Saturn cut off his balls and killed him.  Her birth was from an act of violence.  Consider the beauty that came from that and the fight we all have to subdue and reform violence in the world.  I mentioned earlier that Venus rules Taurus.  Venus also rules Libra, the sign holding the scales of justice.

7. Venus reflects our values

Venus is also the sign that has to do with value and the values we hold.  In Scorpio, the values Venus holds are independence, daring, she represents a woman of outrageous acts. She is loyal, resourceful and resilient.

Hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Venus in Scorpio and that you have a wonderful season!